Menno Pasveer

Sinds 2022 hebben de Rotary Pulchri en Pulchri Studio de handen ineen geslagen en de Rotary Pulchri Studio Prijs in het leven geroepen. Deze prijs bestaat uit een tentoonstelling op de hedendaagse kunstbeurs Art The Hague. De winnaar van de Rotary Pulchri Studioprijs 2022 is Menno Pasveer.

Menno Pasveer (1998, NL) is a dutch painter, and about to graduate from the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague | KABK. In Menno’s work, you can often find autobiographical stories or complete abstraction. Besides the subject matter, his work aims to focus on the formal qualities of painting. "The communication between the different energies in one canvas, one being transparent, another opaque, another very sharp, and another out of focus, are ingredients to conduct the viewer’s eye and extend the viewing time."


